Who are we? 

IMAP Global is an affiliate of IMAP Systems of Australia. It has been established to develop internationally the highly successful Australian IMAP portfolio management consulting and ZUME software solutions.

The top-down development of ZUME and its ability to consume seamlessly and in real time data from external databases, applications and spreadsheets ensures its flexibility to adapt to and significantly enhance each client’s specific work practices. The robust and dynamic analysis and display of data provides confidence in the potential outcomes to various what-if scenario models, including acquisition, divestment or M&A initiatives as well as changes to market forces. Tight project governance and accountability is ensured by monitoring progress against plan and the ability to look back and understand the decision process and the documents and data used at each approval stage gates.

Robustly managed access control within an intuitive visual and dynamic framework enable professionals at all levels within the portfolio to gain clarity, to understand interdependencies and to collaborate around shared dashboards.